Photographers from Iowa State


I’m calling it, Jeff is going to be an Emmy Award winner at an NFL team sometime in the next decade. Jeff is so freakin’ good at what he does. No matter what sport or style of photography he does, it is breathtaking. I would compare his work to Dan Szpakowski, the New York Jets Lead Photographer, or Tyler Richardson, a former BYU photographer. Jeff worked for Cylones.TV during his time as a student and now works full-time for them as their primary phot content creator. Jeff is a culture changer. If you look back into the Iowa State Athletics social media, you will see a noticeable difference in quality when Jeff started working there. His work was so good that the football team and basketball teams personally chose him to travel with them to away games, bowl games, tournaments, and championships. Three terms that I would to describe Jeff’s work are High-Contrast, Vibrantly-Dynamic, and Emotion-filled. I could go on and on about how much I love Jeff’s work. I’m telling you, whoever is reading this, look at his work; you will be impressed.

Instagram: @jeffspaurphoto



The ultimate Iowa State fan. Ask Tyler anything about the history of the athletic program and he will spit out the roster chart and score of every game. Tyler’s enthusiasm is unmatched. Coming to the Iowa State Daily his freshman year, he knew he wanted to shoot the big sports. For years he was viewing the program from a fan’s perspective. Now, he views the program from behind a telephoto lens and an electronic viewfinder. Tyler worked his way up and has remained a pillar of consistency for the Daily. Tyler began with track & field, moved to softball, and now is contributing both photos and graphics for our major sports. Tyler has become a good friend and I always love getting Freddy’s milkshakes after our weekly photo meetings. I can only hope for the best for Tyler and his future career in graphic design. Also, peep Tyler’s signature Cyclones-themed kicks dedicated to the basketball season.

Instagram: @tylercoephoto


Owen’s work is intimidating as hell. He is so full of raw talent, and I have no idea how he can be so humble about it. He’s a freelance sports photographer, an Iowa State Daily photographer, and is a student intern with the Iowa State Athletics graphic design department. I tried to recruit Owen to join the Daily photo team before he moved to Ames because his high school photography work was THAT impressive. I’m telling you, he’s a quadruple threat. He is insanely talented with any type of photography, he has lots of experience with graphic design, he has a good foundation with videography, and has a solid background in journalistic practices. If you get the pleasure of working with Owen, not only are you going to get to interact with a personable/laid-back person, you are going to get outstanding content.

Instagram: @owaanphoto



Collin is a seasoned veteran at The Iowa State Daily. He has been a photojournalist, an editor, and a mentor. Collin taught me about the recent history of The Daily, the software and social media we use, the ins and outs of on-campus sporting events, and exposed me to the culture of Iowa State photography. Collin graduated in 2021 and currently works for The Meredith Corporation in Des Moines, a dream for young photographers. Collin gets to set and photograph scenes for major magazines, all while getting to advance in his creative design skills. Collin wants to work for a collegiate or professional athletic program. I know his photographic skills and leadership experience will lead him to his dream in the near future.

Instagram: @collinmphotos



Christian is a fun guy. If he’s not taking pics, he’s chatting you up. Christian is one of those people who’s friends with everyone. I’m consistently surprised with who he is friends with; from the likes of David Carr, Deon Silas, and Izaiah Brockington. If you have a photo session with him, you don’t just get high-quality photos, you get a new best friend. Christian and I have had similar upbringings. We both started taking football and baseball photos in high school, worked part-time for the high schools in Waukee, came to ISU to study design/photo-related things, started working for Iowa State our freshman year, and we have both been creating photo content ever since. If you want to see Christians work, just check out any of the ISU athletics’ social media!

Instagram: @cory_edits1


Grant says it like it is. If you have the pleasure of meeting Grant you will surely have the thought, “this person is completely unabashed’. Grant worked for both The Iowa State Daily and Cyclones.TV. While he wasn’t able to contribute sports photos for The Iowa State Daily, he was able to contribute many opinion articles and miscellaneous photojournalism assignments of on-campus events. If you check out Grants’ Instagram or Website, you’ll see that he can do anything and everything. His portrait work done for Trend Magazine is stunning. His sports work is vibrant and punchy. His photojournalistic work is true to real life. When you work with Grant, I can guarantee that you’re gonna have some fun.

Instagram: @gt_photo___



Cyclone Pro Day